When Streaming fails
Over half of consumers now consider the internet a natural part of their TV habit. They expect streaming video service providers (VSPs) to deliver wherever and whenever they want to watch. Unfortunately, VSPs can’t promise to do that because of problems with last-mile delivery.

There are many ways last-mile delivery falls short. Though consumers expect continuous connectivity there are many situations where wireless, WiFi, and broadband are unavailable or provide only marginal coverage. As well, quality problems, particularly on mobile data networks, plague video streaming even when last-mile coverage appears to be strong.

The painful truth for VSPs is that when streaming fails they often end up shouldering the blame.

This free white paper looks at the many problems and issues with last-mile delivery and their impact on a VSPs business. It examines when and if new technologies such as 5G, WiFi hotspots, and gigabit broadband can provide a solution.

The paper then looks at how VSPs can overcome the core challenges presented by last-mile problems. Specific solutions discussed include video downloads, pre-emptive caching, encoder upgrades, and user quality controls. The paper also presents new original research showing how consumers view downloads as an effective solution to last-mile issues.

This paper is made possible by the generous contribution of Penthera

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