Minding the Store: Why a merchandising mindset is critical to video app success
Almost every aspect of the business of online video delivery is in flux. And in the constant battle for consumer attention, change is the new reality for online video service operators. This paper looks at the impact of this constant need for change on the goals and strategies of premium video business. Specifically, the paper examines:
  • Why the current approach to video app creation, delivery, and management can’t cope with the requirement for constant change
  • A new strategy for separating the video merchandising needs of a video business from the apps that run on consumer devices
  • Why this app architecture shift addresses the need for constant change
  • How it frees the OVSO to run the apps as a video “store”
  • How a merchandising approach to apps leads to big benefits for the video business
After reading this paper, you will understand what the market demands of a video streaming business. You will also see a market approach and technical architecture that prepares your video business to succeed in the current environment.

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